Probably not the right time for a post poking at teachers and unions (is it ever?), but the National Union of Teachers in the UK is another for our Acronyms in Education series. Thanks to Nam-ho for the submission and attention to detail: "These guys really love their acronym. Look at their footer: NUT jobs."
The BRA guides physical, social, and economic change in Boston's neighborhoods and its downtown to shape a more prosperous, sustainable, and beautiful city for all.
the international builders' show is coming up in a few days, people. and they have a countdown on their website. because they are excited. about IBS. coming. in, like, 2 days.
The District of Alaska was the governmental designation for Alaska from May 17, 1884 to August 24, 1912, when it became Alaska Territory. Previously it had been known as the Department of Alaska. At the time, legislators in Washington, D.C., were occupied with post-Civil War reconstruction issues, and had little time to dedicate to Alaska.
an anonymous submission from a reader down under who says, "Here's one for you: Health Purchasing Victoria ( is an organisation set up by the Victorian state government to operate tenders on behalf of all the public hospitals. You'd think being in the medical game that somebody would've realised that the acronym HPV also means the virus that causes genital warts!"
"SOWS is a student organization developed by students for students, which believes in a grassroots movement towards greater social and political change on a micro and macro level within society. SOWS believes that each and every student has a powerful and meaningful voice that should be heard by all within the academic institution of the University and society in general."
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front(M.I.L.F.) is an Islamist group located in the southern Philippines. It is one of two Islamic military groups, the other being the Abu Sayyaf, that claim belligerency against the Government of the Philippines, the United States and its supporters for political corruption. These groups are found in Bangsamoro region, an area in Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, Palawan, Basilan and other neighboring islands.
Mark Freuenfelder explains: Like AYDS and Beaver College, the WTF (Wisconsin Tourism Federation) got tired of being the butt of jokes and changed its name to the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin.