an anonymous submission from a reader down under who says, "Here's one for you: Health Purchasing Victoria (www.hpv.org.au) is an organisation set up by the Victorian state government to operate tenders on behalf of all the public hospitals. You'd think being in the medical game that somebody would've realised that the acronym HPV also means the virus that causes genital warts!"
Somebody did in May 2001- but unfortunately the lawyers in the Deaprtment of Human Services decided that "Health Purchasing Victoria" was preferable to "Health Purchasing Council" and signed it into legislation.
These genital warts on the penis in men are downright ugly, appearing as either.Soft, raised eruptions,Masses that look like miniature cauliflowers, and other more.what is a wart
Information about Health Purchasing Victoria for the general public. You will find news articles that are available to the general public along with articles. thyromine reviews
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